The Budget and Audit Committee ("Committeeā€¯) will assist KID in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities relating to financial planning, the audit process, financial reporting, corporate controls, and financial risk management.
- Direct and lead the development and implementation of the KID Wildland/Urban Interface Plan.
- Support FireSmart public education/awareness initiatives within KID.
- Promote community involvement in the FireSmart program.
- Develop and support strong partnerships between all stakeholder groups in the municipality.
- Secure ongoing funding for FireSmart initiatives through municipal, provincial, federal and FireSmart Community Grant opportunities.
- Identify and present priorities to KID Council for FireSmart Community Grant funding expenditures for approval.
- safety for visitors, residents, and businesses;
- digital accessibility;
- economic prosperity;
- potential revenue sources for KID; and
- labour attraction and retention.
KID Councillor Position Currently Vacant
The purpose of the Transit Committee is to act as a Steering Committee for future Transit assessments and needs within Kananaskis Improvement District (KID), with the goal of: (a) increasing transportation choices primarily for visitors, and as an ancillary benefit for residents and commuting staff; (b) facilitating tourism and economic prosperity in Kananaskis while decreasing the environmental footprint in ecologically sensitive areas; (c) reducing parking congestion and human/wildlife encounters; and (d) reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
To achieve this purpose, the objectives include:
1. Obtaining a feasibility study to evaluate implementing transit service in KID including a phased service plan;
2. Reviewing and advising on funding options and grants;
3. Playing an Advocacy Role with other levels of government to move this initiative forward as a priority;
4. Liaising with other groups and individuals on transit recommendations and suggestions, and to also act as the liaison between these groups and individuals, and KID Council; and
5. Exploring partnership options (with governments, private entities, transit commissions, First Nations communities, etc.).